Saturday, September 27, 2008

And so it continues....

Ok, so we knew today would be a busy day.... plans to go to Broom's Apple Festival with the family and some friends, drive to Mt. Vernon to our hotel, then to the Gospel Sing in Odin, to supper, and back to our hotel in Mt. Vernon to sleep before going to church in Odin again where Paul is speaking.

The day seemed to be going fine. We had a great time at the apple festival... we picked apples, ate pork chops, and had some apple cider. The drive to Mt. Vernon wasn't too bad... there was no fighting from the back seats (which is nothing short of a miracle!). Got to our hotel...rooms are fine. We debated on whether to eat dinner before church tonight or after. We had plenty of time to do it before. It was only 4:30 and Paul said the service starts at 7. We decided to wait to eat until afterwards. Since Mt. Vernon is about 30 minutes from Odin, we left the hotel around 6:20, which would give us plenty of time to get there ON TIME! Paul put the address into the GPS and off we went. Thirty minutes later, however, we couldn't find the church. The address took us to the baptist church in town. By the time we found the church and parked it was 7:03....3 minutes late, again! As we got into the front door of the church, I saw a sign on the door that said Gospel Sing 6:00 PM!!!!! UGH!!! We went from being early, to three minutes late to an hour and three minutes late all in a matter of 15 minutes! It must be one of my giftings....tardiness! I could think of a few others I would rather have, but as my son always says, "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" And so it continues....

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Beginning

I never thought I would do a blog... I don't usually have anything too enlightening to say, and not so sure anyone would even want to hear it (my kids usually don't! haha!) when I do. But, I guess I am giving in to peer pressure anyway. The more I think about it, though, the more I realized it might just help me out in the long run. I can't seem to remember much of anything anymore... not what I wore yesterday, ate yesterday, did yesterday, etc. So, maybe if I share the dumb little things I do or say on any given day (not that I ever do or say dumb things), they will be here to help me remember. So, here we go.......

Paul cleared his schedule tonight so we could do something as a family. We decided to take the kids to go see the movie Fireproof (which I highly recommend!!). We laughed, I cried... it was wonderful! But why is it that whenever I am involved we always seem to be late? We are late even when it isn't my fault!

The closest theater (Springfield) had already sold out of tickets for the 7pm showing tonight, so I had to look elsewhere. I found some in O'Fallon so I bought them online. Kids get out of school at 3 and home by 3:30, so we should have had plenty of time to get there on time, even with the 60 mile drive. We ate and then got on the road and had to run back by the house to pick up sweatshirts for everyone so they wouldn't freeze. What should have taken one minute took about five. In the van again we realize we need gas, but don't have time to get it, as it is now 6pm and the movie is at 7pm. So we just drove and decided we would hit the gas station as soon as the movie was over. We eventually made it to the parking lot with 4 miles until empty on the gas tank and 3 minutes until the movie starts! We must have looked like crazy people trying to get in the theater and find seats for five on time (well, not really on then we were late)!

And that is the story of my life...low on fuel, running late, and looking like I'm nuts! =)